ANIVERSE X Trill Sound MOU to ramping up the speed for the Music NFT

Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2021


One of the key features of non-fungible tokens is their uniqueness. There cannot be two identical NFTs. Another feature that makes them appealing to the modern artist is versatility: Via smart contracts, NFTs can be programmed for certain automated actions, excluding the go-between in many scenarios.

An early example was the release of When You See Yourself by Kings of Leon. The album was released as an NFT in March, together with an animated cover and a limited-edition vinyl. Those who bought the bundle for $50 automatically took part in a lottery to win VIP concert seats and other perks.

ANIVERSE had signed the contract with Trill Sound to boost its business in music NFT fields. Trill Sound is a South Korean record label specialized in hip-hop music, also known as rap music.

In order to achieve the purpose of this Agreement, each company shall cooperate with each other on the following matters:
1. The two companies will cooperate for NFT (Non-fungible Token) and NFT distribution for sound sources and IP contents.
2. The two companies will cooperate in marketing and public relations activities to achieve the objectives of the NFT business in the preceding paragraph.
3. Expand education and training opportunities for mutual exchange and quality improvement between the two companies, such as providing technical seminars and training programs.

Please look forward to ANIVERSE NFT, which will come to you with richer content due to the collaboration between the two companies!

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